I worked on anatomy , Astral Horizon and some other stuff this week. I am more productive now with the new schedule, I just have to stick to it., No movie this week...
Sunday 04
Last side view from Bridgman.
I took the 4 views of Bridgman and did the in-between 3/4 views.
That was a fun exercice.
Leg animation, practice some muscle flexion and foreshortening.
Some spaceship sketches and started the linework on the sidekick.
I am still not sure if he fit in the world the way he is right now.
Monday 05
Main character lines, I still have some design problems to figure out on her,
but i tried to keep it simple..
Some mech sketches.
Sketchbook portraits.
Tuesday 06
Gesture from on air video.
Longer pose from the same website.
Car studies for A.H..
Spaceship sketches, I do not like how they turned out.
Wednesday 07
Gesture from on air video.
Trying to find the muscle on photo reference.
Color test with legs.
Skin is so soft !
Sketched some pose for the ''Boss''.
Figure drawing session.
Thursday 08
More Bridgman.
Cleaned those two and work out some part of the design.
I don't know if they are to busy.
Added some details and did the Village Emblem for his belt.
Friday 09
Gesture from on air video.
Portrait practice.
More lines
Saturday 11
Knees and foot from Bridgman.
Spaceship lame sketches.
Spaceship in sketchbook pro with symmetry on.
....And this happened.
Playing around with layers and animation in Photoshop.
Still w.i.p.
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