Sunday, March 8, 2015

day 656

winter, week 10

I am still practicing faces and skin tones. I finally finished the Ghosts'N Goblins illustration. I began to work with more focus on the rpg project.

Sunday 1

Pretty much done.... about time.

Color sketching

Monday 2

It still misses some details around the house but the main idea is there.

Checking the perspective qith Sketchook Pro

Forest color and light test.

Color/faces practice.

Lines in Sketchbook Pro.

Tuesday 3

Main idea for the forest.

I did some color balance on it.

Faces in SP

Gordon Freeman fanart, young Gordon. 
That ear is so dark.

Wednesday 4

Cave gate exploration with light direction and structure. 

Trying to finish it but I have to ĝo to the next one. 
I will have to find a way to do those in one day and to nor refine them,
keep them sketchy with nice lighting and color and still  understand what is happening.

Thursday 5

Color test on this, ***k saturation.

I did a quick 3d model o better understand the structure 
and what kind of light direction i can go with, 
still not super happy about it for now.

Friday 6

City gate in bronze, Bronze isn't easy damn.
at this point i'm on my laptop so since he is slow I'm
 sketching in my sketchbook must of the time.

Skin tone study

Saturday  7

Still trying to refine the idea and design for the gate.

The composition is pretty simple but it fit What I present.
I like the hand sketch better than the digital one.

Here's a bigger version of it.

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