Sunday, April 30, 2017

day 1440

week 17,

Lots of studies and sketches, I have started a new book  ' Heads, Features and Faces' from George B. Bridgman.

Sunday 23

Daily figure drawing.

Floating city.

Monday 24

Daily figure drawing.

'Heads, Features and Faces' from George B. Bridgman pages.

First sketches for a ninja character, 
the proportion are not good thought.

Worked on some design for his main ninja outfit and a traveling coat.

Thumbnails for the coat and a hat.

Sketched the ideas for his weapons. 

Tuesday 25

Daily figure drawing.

Heads, Features and Faces' from George B. Bridgman pages.
Tried to understand how to simplify the nose planes.

Nose and head planes.

Sketching some poses, ideas and testing some colors.
I would have to chose between the 3/4 coat or the long one.

Wednesday 26

Daily figure drawing.

Heads, Features and Faces' from George B. Bridgman pages.

Trying to figure out how his outfit works.

Thursday 27

Daily figure drawing.

Cleaned the body with the colors and working on the weapons and their placement.

Friday 28

Daily figure drawing.

Heads, Features and Faces' from George B. Bridgman pages.

Sketching some heads to understand a little more the planes.


Saturday 29

Daily figure drawing.

Music of the week : Sai Wai - Lone Samurai Masamune
Smooth album.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

day 1433

week 16,

A little less work this week, but I have been doing the same as the other weeks, studies and sketches.

Sunday 16

I could have use more flowy lines with this one.

Monday 17

One hand I am happy with but not the other.

Tuesday 18

Happy with the flow here.

Forgot about the straight to curve on this one.

Nothing special except the hair I would say.

Went back to work on this little guy, I would go with the pants/boots on the left.

I will work on this one and try to finish him.

Wednesday 19

That knee is strange.

Sketching a little.

Thursday 20

Happy with how this one came out.

Cleaning up the brushes and testing some.

Testing zedig brushes.

Lines and rough colors.

Friday 21

I always have one good hand and one bad.

Fun expression.

Good movement with her legs.

Environment sketches, some kind of cave fountain.

Trying to make him less creepy.

Volcano guy. 

Saturday 22

Not super happy with the proportion here.

Music of the week : The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Soundtrack
Looks like a good game with a good soundtrack.