Sunday, November 27, 2016

day 1286

term 04, week 08,

I did a big push to finish my sketchbook and I also finished the painting, with all that I did quite a lot of studies and sketches.

Sunday 20

Sketch after seeing Trevor Claxton's stream.

Monday 21

Head gesture.

Head gesture.

Head gesture.

Some idea around this guy, I feel like in his actual design, 
he has some overly complicated element, like his hair, that I need to change.
Right now, his design is middle east-ish inspired so I don't know if I should change that too to fit the hair ? Simpler and bigger hair would help the silhouette and if he would be animated.

Simple sketches.

Tuesday 22

Loomis' proportion studies.





Laying down a base for the dark areas, I think I could've go I little more saturated.

Random sketches.

Wednesday 23

Costume studies.

Costume gesture.

Costume gesture.

Added more colors.

Thursday 24

Hands gesture.

Hands gesture.

Hands gesture.

Feet Gesture.

Feet Gesture.

Feet Gesture.

Hands gesture.

Hands gesture.

Hands gesture.

Hands gesture. 10 page push to finish the sketchbook !

Had to wait somewhere so I drew some faces to pass the time.

Pretty much done, added the finals colors, darks 
and going back over some areas with the ink.


Friday 25



Portrait studies.

Fully Armed sketches.

Saturday 26

Quick scenery studies, focusing on shapes and colors.

Fully Armed, military kind of girl, still not sure about her pose and a big guy.

Music of the week : A Tribe Called Quest - Low End Theory
Didn't ever think I would like a rap album, but damn this is good.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

day 1279

term 04, week 07,

I am trying to finis my sketchbook before the end of November so I am working mostly in it when it is possible, I still have 20 pages to go. I worked on the traditional piece that I'm doing and trying to finish some ideas like always.

Sunday 13


Monday 14

Head gesture.

Head gesture.

Head gesture.

Head gesture.

Lip studies.

I have trouble designing his costume.

Tuesday 15




Head gesture.

Head gesture.

Playing around with some brushes, I am trying to clean my sets, be organize
and don't have a ton of brushes that I don't use.

Wednesday 16

Costume Studies, taking more time to do each one.

Random sketch.

I am still not sold out on his costume, I think it is a little to complicated. 

Thursday 17

Hand gesture.

Hand gesture.

Hand gesture.

Hand gesture.

Testing the ink and watercolor on another paper.

Started the ink on the real sketch.

Friday 18

Foot gesture.

Foot gesture.

Foot gesture.

Foot gesture.


5 minutes gesture.

Little idea from a photo I did a gesture on.

Pretty final ink.

Saturday 19

Alchemy sketches, wanted to go back in alchemy for fun.

I don't know how it's going to end but I am trying to make different character
 that I had scattered around work together in a ''project'' called (for now) Fully Armed.
Some of them, with the interrogation point, I am still not sure if I am going to include them.
I tried to make some good poses but with some of them I just wanted to put them there with a boring poses for now.

Some more sketches from Fully Armed. 

Music of the week : The Real Mckenzies - Westwinds
Pretty much all their albums are awesome but this one makes mu head filled with music.